[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits

[FYI] Stream and Creek Builder's Kit (CM) 1.0.0

Now you can build creeks, streams, rivers, and more with this builder's kit.

This kit is designed to give you a strong base for creating your own creeks, streams, and rivers through your sim. You can add rocks and all sorts of things to really make it great.

It also works well with the FYI mesh terrain kit and FYI mesh rock kit.

The key advantage to this kit is that the stream can have its own texture, and with the custom UV maps provided you can create your own stream textures as well.

The kit was designed so that only two textures are used, so if you would like to create your own textures you only have to make two textures for the entire kit.

This kit is designed for smaller creeks and streams, so if you make the pieces too big the prim count will get rather high. It's not recommended for larger rivers.

Please use with prim water or sim water, thanks.

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