A cave specially designed to work well underwater with the official water created by the viewer. It features a large, flat area on top of the exterior mountain which lets you build. You can place castles, homes, etc on it.
There is another island with a cave entrance. The entrance has a tunnel that leads underground to the main cave.
You will need a parcel larger than 64m x 64m for this cave. If you are interested, please come see it in world.
This grotto is the perfect underwater cavern for your sea, ocean, lake or other body of water.
This cave is compatible with the [FYI] Cave System! So you can connect multiple caves from the [FYI] Cave System together and create your own awesome system of caves! Connect it with [FYI] Cave Tunnel Kits. There's a wide range of caves available so be sure to check out the entire store! Only [FYI] can give you access to a huge selection of quality, baked mesh caves that you can use to create your own system of caves and cave tunnels!
All of the [FYI] products are all original content. They are not stolen from games or other sources illegally. Meaning that you're buying legitimate, legal goods. Stolen content can be deleted from your inventory at any time and you won't get a refund. When you buy custom, original content, that simply doesn't happen and your purchase is safe for as long as you keep your account!
You can find other compatible [FYI] Cave System components by searching for #fyicavesystem