[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits

[FYI] Pavers Walkway (Flagstone)

A mesh and material (requires Advanced Lighting Model to be enabled) builder's kit for making walkways and doing landscaping. This kit has a brick border with gravel in the middle, with larger boulders throughout.

Several different shapes and angles are provided for you to build as you wish.

Pieces are designed to be placed together to create your own unique mesh walkway gravel paths based on your needs.

You can always come see an in world example at the rezzer.

This version features cut stone borders with broken flagstone walkway. The Pavers Series of walkways is designed to allow you to match up the textures in most cases, so you can create long walkways without seams. There is also an included piece to cover up seams if they show up.

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