[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits

[FYI] Mesh Crystal Tunnel Cave Kit (Candy)

New, super high quality mesh tunnels from [FYI], that are compatible with the [FYI] Cave System (#FYICaveSystem).

Meaning you can use this tunnel system to connect to other [FYI] Cave System Compatible caves, grottoes, terrain kits, and tunnel kits. This kit does not require an adapter and fits easily with the rest of the other compatible caves. This kit is a part of the #fyicavesystem

The pieces have been lined up to work well with in world build tools and snapping. The ends are also flared for easy building, so you don't have to line up each piece precisely.

All the turns and slopes are ambidextrous, so the slopes can go up or down and the turns can go left or right.

This cave features nice crystals that glow. Each mesh cave piece uses materials, so make sure you have them enabled for the best view.

Pieces are between 3 and 9 land impact, with the intersections being the heaviest land impact.

This has a bright blue and purple candy color theme.

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