[FYI] Mesh Caves, Sewers, Tunnels, and Builder's Kits

PBR Medieval Prison Jail Builder Kit

The PBR Medieval Prison Jail Builder's Kit allows you to create your own expansive medieval prison and jail builds! All the textures and lighting matches between rooms, entrance, and tunnels to make it easier to build with.

Includes are a ton of tunnel pieces to help you build your own system to connect various rooms and cells together to create your own prison system. Each tunnel piece is around 5 to 15 land impact.

There's a big entrance to make it easy to get underground into the prison tunnels. It's the big round thing, it's 54 land impact.

The three rooms are various sizes with cells

There are various props included, doors, lights, wall torches.

The PBR version requires a PBR viewer. It will fall back to the baked texture version for people who do not have PBR viewers. But the PBR version allows for far more flexibility when building and custom lighting options that you won't get with the baked version. The PBR version is recommended.

Please see the contents tab to see all that is included in this medieval prison builder's kit.

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