Dynamic Evolution

Subway Station 5


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This subway station is a completely original creation with concept and influences from San Francisco, Tokyo, Seattle, and Portland.

This station is an attention grabber for a person just entering your sim, roleplay, or even as a shop or a house.

The Dynamic Evolution Industries Station 5 Subway Station has built in CUSTOMIZABLE advertisement displays and ANIMATED LCD flat screen monitors that do not interrupt the shadowing of the environment. It features easy access to edit subway maps and welcome signs. An additional Mag-rail subway car is currently in development and will be 100% compatible with your station. Part of the build being underground helps with space utilization and giving players a enveloped and developed experience as they move from the saturated underground to the fresh air above.

It's total size:

Length : 78.899 (+/- .05 meters)

Width : 29.351 (+/- .05 meters)

Height: 16.403 (+/- .05 meters)


-Motion activated Subway Gates

-Ambient Environmental Sound

-Customizable Advertisement displays

-Full HD Textures Baked Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Lighting, and Bump.

-Zero Poseball Subway Benches with (5) 30 second long sitting animations (5 people per bench)

-Animated LCD Screens

-Sand/Rock Garden with Subway Name


:Geometry Style: Mesh and Scupltie

:Permissions: - COPY | MOD | NO TRANSFER

NOTE ABOUT PERMISSIONS: The mesh itself is full mod but there are scripts inside the door,seat, and sound that are no mod but they are copy.. If you have any problems please contact me 24/7

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